Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How To Include Table Entries in Transport Request

Dear readers,

Sometimes I have problems when transporting a transport request. And I got confused how to include all entries in table in a new transport request.

Because I didn't know how, I used to maintaining all the entries again so the transport request will record all.

But now I know how to simplify it, thanks to my friend. :)

Here's how.

Get in to the table you want to transport using SM30, and maintain.

Then go to Table View - Transport.

After that, choose (or create) transport request in which you want to store the table entries, and klik Save.

After that, choose entries you want to transport (all if you want you could select all table entries).
And then click button [Include in request]

After that, don't forget to click Save. When appear message "Task BD1K15232 was changed" (BD1K15232 refer as your transport request), it means your table entries has been included in transport request.

And you just have to transport in your regular way.

I hope this can help.


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