Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Print Attendance List from SAP

Dear readers,

SAP offers tools to simplify your business process.
This time I'm gonna share about one of them : how to print attendance list directly from SAP.

Here's how.

From SAP Easy Access, go to menu path ;

Human Resources - SAP Learning Solution - Information Systems - Reports - Participation - Participant List

Selection screen report Participant List will appear like this

Specifiy the course ID you want to print, and the period for the course. Then execute.

The output of report is like shown in picture below. To print the attendance list, click button Attendance List.

Then system will automatically open Ms Word and creating attendance list like this

Attendance List in Ms Word

The output is already in format Ms Word, so you can save it to local PC, or directly print the list.

You can call this for more than 1 course at once too..


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