Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Create New Time Schedule for Course

Dear readers,

To create new course schedule model in LSO, you can try these steps :

From SAP Easy Access, go to menu path :
Human Resources - SAP Learning Solutions - Settings - Current Settings - Time Schedule

Will appear screen Change Time Schedule, like picture below

To create a new time schedule, click button New Entry, and entry New Scedule Name. Then save.

The new time schedule has been created, but you haven't assign the day schedule.

For example, for the new schedule "2HALFDAY", you want to define it as a 2-days course where the first day is only half day and the second day is a full day divided into 3 sessions.

So you have to define your day schedule like this

First, choose your time schedule and click button Day Schedule at the left side of the screen.

Then create New Day Schedule.

For day 1, I choose Day Segment Name VORMITT because it only contains 1 session which start from 09:00 - 12:00

For day 2, I choose Day Segment TEST1 because it the most suitable for my needs : dividing 1-day course into 3 sessions.

Then the Time Schedule will contains two days course with different Day Segment.

Things to remember :

  • Do not delete existing time schedule, because it might already being used in the Master Data Course.
  • There is no period (Begin Date - End Date) in table time schedule. So if you change the existing time schedule it might affecting the data.
  • If the existing Day Segment is not suitable to your needs, you can define a new one. See here if you need help.


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