Sunday, August 28, 2011

Change Screen Header

Dear readers,

You can set SAP screen header that suits your needs.

Here's how

Go to SPRO

Personnel Management - Personnel Administration - Customizing User Interfaces - Change Screen Header

Will appear screen like picture below

Header structure define which structure you want to assign per infotype.

For example, you see that IT0001 (Organizational Assignment) using screen structure 04. Go to Header Modifier to see more details. 

Each screen sctructure is assigned to header modifier. 
Screen structure can be divided into 2 class, A for employee master data and B for applicant master data.

Then go to Infotype Header Modifier to see more detail.

I am limiting the sample to Header Modifier 90.

I am going explain each column configuration

Line : this column contains the line in screen header. Maximum line that can be set is up to line 3. 

Column : this define column in header that is going to be used. For example, I want to set line 1 - 3 to be in the same line so I set all from line 14

IT : Infotype source for the field you want to show.

SType : Subtype

Field Name : field you want to show

Field Type : The field type controls field formatting via infotype headers. Following types available :
The field type controls field formatting via infotype headers.
The following field types/formatting types are available:
'DAT': field contents
'DTX': field content text (if available)
'PIC': passport photo
'DD1': field short text according to DDIC
'DD2': middle field text according to DDIC
'DD3': long field text according to DDIC
'DD4': field header according to DDIC
'TXT': user-defined text according to customizing setting
'TXD': like 'TXT' but with a DDIC interface to the relevant field

Keyword : only available if using field type used is TXD.

Lngth : define field length if you want to set default length. If you don't entry any number, system will set to its standard length.

If you want to test changes you've made to Infotype header, then click button Single Test.

When you done setting click button Generate.

When you want to use a specific text name which SAP doesn't provide, go to create your own keyword here

Then will appear screen DDIC Entry where you can create your own keyword to be use as field text in screen header.


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